Saturday 28 November 2015

Class 06 : FPGA I/O


  • Based on the FPGA family the number of banks will vary.
  • Each bank having dedicated power and GND pins.
  • All the I/O pins will be powered based on the voltage connected to the particular bank
  • Based on the device/peripheral logic connected to the bank . bank voltage will be powered. 
  • Ex. DDR2 - 2,5V. DDR3 - 1.5V and device with 1.8V and 3.3V should be connected to the bank powered with those voltage respectively. 
  • It is not allowed to connect the device with different voltage level logic with FPGA I/O with different voltage logic.
Single Ended and Differential Signalling: 

  • FPGA I/O pins can be configured with single ended and differential signals.
  • Signals are named with _P/N can be used as differential signals.
  • Fews signals will be IP (input only). It is not allowed to assign a output logic with this pin.

I/O Pins

  • I/O pins can be configured as Input or output or tristate. 
  • If pin is configured as input, the output logic shouldn't be assigned and vice versa.
  • If pin is configured as tri-state means it neither draw a current nor sink it.

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