Aspect Ratio, Solder Mask, Silk Screen:
- Aspect ratio one of the parameter to decide the PCB board thickness.
- If board using small diameter and board thickness is more means the aspect ratio range may not met and PCB is not manufacturable.
- Solder Mask protect the circuits (Copper) from oxidation and accidental short and shock to the human.
- In general, most of the PCB using the Green color solder mask. Now a days solder mask available in the black, red and blue color also.
- Surface finish is coat over the exposed conductor. In general, coat over the pads of the components, coat over gold finger etc. (Coat over the exposed copper).
- Gold finish is used for the high speed circuits/signals.
- Silkscreen is reference of the components on the board.
- Mainly it is used to identify the design components in the PCB, Connector pin orientation, diode and tantalum/bulk capacitor,DC power Jack orientation, etc.
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