Saturday 5 December 2015

Class 08 - VHDL PROGRAMMING - Basic Only

VHDL Programming: 

  • VHDL Program having two blocks. Entity and architecture body.
  • Entity block includes the input and output ports used in the program.
  • Architecture Body includes the logic.

  • Entity is keyword. even_detector is program name. 
  • The input and output ports is defined under the port function.
  • Input/output can be single or multi bit variable.
  • Single bit variable defined as std_logic
  • Multi bit variable defined as std_logic_vector(X downto 0)
  • Input variable defined as keyword in
  • Output variable defined as keyword out

  • In the port definition,make sure the output variable is not used for input for the logic.
  • In such case, the variable should be defined as signal.

  • Architecture body having a program (logic). 
  • Local signal declarations can be added.
  • Program will be written in between begin and end statement.

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