Thursday 10 December 2015

Class 12 : PWM VHDL Code and Simulation Results

PWM VHDL Code and Simulation Results:

  • Period is 4 bit variable that defines the ON+OFF cycle time.
  • Duty is 4 bit variable define the ON time.
  • Duty value shouldn't exceed the period time.
  • Until Duty value the PWM will output hig value (Logic 1)
  • (Period-duty) value the PWM will output the low value. (Logic 0)
Simulation results:

  • Enter the simulation parameters.(Only input variables).
  • Clock, duty and period value.
  • First simulation results shows duty cycle of 50/50
  • Next image shows the PWM output of 20/80 duty cycle
Scope Output:

  • Scope output probed @ the FPGA I/O pins. 
  • It shows the PWM output of 80/20 duty cycle.
If you have any questions please email :

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