Thursday 16 July 2015

Hardware Board Design Interview Questions- Part 7

111.  Draw the circuitry for the transistor differential amplifier? Explain the operation?

112. What are the ideal op-amp characteristics? Explain few application and gain

113. Draw circuitry for integrator and differentiator?

114. What is combinational circuits and sequential circuit?

115. Implement mux/demux/decoder/encoder using gates?

116. How the shifter will work in digital design?

117. Draw the half and full adder circuitry and equation?

118. How the parity generators will work?

119. Difference between the synchronous and source synchronous signal ?

120. What is synchronous and asynchronous communication?

121. Explain signal levels on the RS-232 communication?

122.  How rs-232 protocol will work?

123. What is purpose of handshaking signals on the RS-232 communication?

124.  What is baud rate?

125. What is the maximum length and bandwidth rs 232 will support?

126. What is serial null modem configuration?

127. What DTE/DCE equipment communication?

128. What is the I2C communication? How the protocol will work?

129. In I2C, How can you know if some other device is transmitting on the bus ?

130. What about the risk of data corruption in I2C ?

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