Thursday 16 July 2015

Hardware Board Design Interview Questions- Part 6

91. Explain few methods for the voltage sequencing?

92. What is the state mode and timing mode operation in the logic analyzer?

93. What is knee frequency?

94. What is lead-lag compensation?

95. What is synchronous system?

96. What is asynchronous system?

97. What is source synchronous system?

98. How the parallel to serial conversion work and vice versa?

99. How to design the clock divider?

100. Draw the simple and basic reset circuitry?

101. What are internal basic blocks on the reset circuitry chip?

102. What is full duplex mode and half duplex mode?

103. What is the meaning of  LEDs indication on the Ethernet connector ?

104. What are the encoding techniques used on the Ethernet data transfer?

105. What is auto-negotiation and force configuration on Ethernet?

106. What kind of termination will be used on the LVDS signals? How it will be selected?

107. What is common mode on the differential?

108. What is isochronous data transfer?

109. In the synchronous system how to find the maximum operating frequency of the
        system? What are the parameters it is depends on?

110. How the transistor current mirror circuitry will work? 

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