FPGA Design Interview Questions: - Part 8
**Entry level FPGA interview questions for 0-3 Exp FPGA Designers**
1. Define: (1) Delta Delay (2) Transport Delay (3) Routing (4) Placement (5) Postponed
2. Compare Concurrent Signal Assignment with Sequential Signal Assignment .
3. Define : Signal Driver . Discuss effect of Transport Delay and Inertial Delay on
Signal Drivers. Briefly explain Multiple Drivers with it’s problem and solution.
4. Discuss any FSM with appropriate example ,State diagram and VHDL code.
5. List All Data types of VHDL. Explain Scalar Types with syntax and example.
6. Briefly explain All Predefined Operators of VHDL with necessary Example.
7. Write a VHDL code for 4 bit Full adder with neat circuit Diagram ,Truth Table and
8. Write a VHDL code for Ripple counter(Modulo – 16) counter with neat Circuit
Diagram, Truth table and waveforms.
9. Write a VHDL code for 2 x 4 Decoder using Behavioral and Structural style of
modeling. Also draw it’s Circuit Diagram and Truth Table.
10. Write a VHDL code for 9 bit Parity Generator with Circuit Diagram and logic
11. List down the advantages and disadvantages of Finite State Machines.
12. Define Mealy State Machine and Moore State Machine.Compare them.
13. Explain Process statement. Explain the importance of sensitivity list. Quote suitable
14. Explain basic data types in VHDL.
15. Explain Assertion statement. Explain its usefulness in writing testbench.
16. What do you mean by Delta-delay ? Also explain Inertial Delay model and Transport
Delay model.
17. Write a short note on operators used in VHDL.
18. Write the VHDL code for the 4 to 16 decoder using behavioral style of modeling.
19. Explain Inertial Delay model with suitable example. Also summaries effect of Inertial
Delay on Signal Drivers.
20. (1) Compare Signal and Variable in VHDL (2) Discuss Block statement in VHDL
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