Thursday 16 July 2015

Hardware Board Design Interview Questions- Part 8

131. Explain the addressing modes in I2C ?

132. Explain the data transfer modes in I2C ?

133. What is the maximum distance of the I2C bus signal can transfer ?

134. Can I do galvanic decoupling of my I2C bus?

135. Are there stand-alone I2C controllers?

136. How can I generate a repeated start condition in I2C?

137. Can I abort an ongoing I2C bus transmission?

138. Do I need to generate an ACK in read mode on the last byte?

139. Why does the SCL line have to be bi-directional?

140. How can I implement an active pull-up resistor to enhance the bus length?

141. How can I monitor the I2C bus?

142. How can I test / debug the I2C bus?

143. How can I use my oscilloscope to trigger on an I2C start condition?

144.  How many devices maximum can be connected on the one I2C bus?

145. What is open drain output?

146. How the pull up and series resistor will affect the i2c communication?

147. What is normal and full speed mode?

148. What is maximum bandwidth I2C support?

149. How many devices it will support? What are the parameters depends on?

150. What is SPI interface?

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