Regulator Selection Criteria:
- Is your input voltage able to drive the pass-element of LDO?
- V IN (min)
> 2.5V : PMOS-type LDOs
- V IN (min) > 1.0V : NMOS-type LDOs with voltage bias or internal charge pump
- V IN (min)
> 2.5V : PMOS-type LDOs
VIN (min)
Is your input voltage able to drive the
pass-element of LDO?
- V IN (min)
> 2.5V : PMOS-type LDOs
- V IN (min)
> 1.0V : NMOS-type LDOs with voltage bias or internal charge pump
VIN (max)
Which upper bound of input voltage fits for your application best?
Do you need an adjustable
output voltage? Which method do you prefer?
Fixed output voltage LDOs have the feedback
network internally. Adjustable output LDOs use an external feedback network,
which gives more flexibility. Some adjustable parts also have an internal
feedback network, so they can be used as fixed output version as well.
What is the current requirement of your application?
The current capability relates directly to dropout voltage and
power dissipation.
LDO controllers use external MOSFETs which can have
larger current capability.
Power Dissipation
The power dissipation in the LDO is determined by the voltage
drop (VIN-VOUT) across the LDO multiplied by the current passing through the
LDO (IOUT), which can be calculated from the formula PD = (VIN - VOUT) * ILOAD.
The below graph shows the allowed LDO voltage drop versus LDO
current for specific power dissipation values.
Larger current or larger voltage drop across the LDO quickly
leads to high device power dissipation. The LDO package needs to be able to
handle this power dissipation.
Maximum allowed device power dissipation for SMD type LDOs
depends on package, PCB layout and ambient temperature. You can calculate
the allowed power dissipation by dividing the allowed temperature difference
between junction and ambient by the thermal resistance between junction and
ambient. The thermal resistance value θJA is shown in the datasheet, but
keep in mind that this value is based on the JEDEC method, which can be
slightly conservative.
Here are some practical power dissipation
limits for various package types, based on a normal PCB layout with some extra
copper connected to the package pins and thermal pad, a maximum PCB ambient
temperature of 60°C, and maximum silicon die temperature of 125°C. If your ambient temperature is lower, the
power dissipation can be higher. If your PCB is small, or there are other hot
components nearby, the maximum power dissipation may be less.
Dropout Voltage
LDOs need a certain minimum voltage drop to
regulate correctly.
LDO dropout voltage is defined as the voltage drop across the
regulator where the device can no longer regulate the output voltage.
Here is the basic circuit of an LDO with a P-channel MOSFET pass
device. The MOSFET source is connected to VIN. To regulate the output voltage,
the error amplifier controls the P-MOSFET gate voltage with respect to VIN,
thereby controlling the MOSFET conduction level.
The LDO needs a certain amount of input to output voltage
difference for regulation.
When the difference between input and output voltage becomes
smaller, the MOSFET operation shifts toward the MOSFET Ohmic region toward the
left in the MOSFET I/V curves.
In the Ohmic region, the MOSFET becomes resistive, and the error
amplifier will pull the gate near ground level. At that point, the output
voltage cannot be regulated anymore.
To maintain a well regulated LDO output voltage, you should make
sure that the input voltage including ripple and tolerances is always higher
than the output voltage + LDO dropout voltage.
Dropout curves as shown in the LDO datasheet show this dropout
voltage as a function of output current and temperature.
These I/V curves basically represent the R DS(ON) of the pass MOSFET.
PSRR stands for power supply ripple
rejection. The LDO PSRR value quantifies how well the LDO can reject input
supply ripple at a certain frequency to keep the output voltage free of noise
and ripple. In datasheets, PSRR is defined as the ripple attenuation
ratio VOUT/VIN,
therefore lower PSRR values are
The diagram shows the example of PSRR vs. frequency. At
frequencies up to 10kHz, LDOs have high open loop gain, and can reject input
ripple very well.
When frequency increases, the loop gain reduces due to the
bandwidth limit of the LDO, and the PSRR curves rise. Higher LDO load pushes
the load pole upwards, so the unity gain frequency at high load is also higher.
In this example the LDO unity gain frequency is 300kHz at light load and 1MHz
at high load, as can be seen from the peaks in the graph.
Above the unity gain frequency, the LDO is not able to actively
remove ripple. The ripple attenuation at these very high frequencies is mostly
caused by the LDO output capacitor and the LDO internal parasitic impedance.
Ultra Low Quiescent Current (IQ)
Does your application need to run from a
small battery cell for long periods?
These applications often will run in sleep mode most of the time, and are only active for short periods. To minimize the power consumption in sleep mode, you need to select parts with very low quiescent current.
The LDO quiescent current is the current that is consumed by the
IC internal feedback control and drive circuits. It is normally measured by
measuring the current that flows out of the LDO ground pin.
Low IQ LDO portfolio contains LDOs
with quiescent currents down to 1μA,
which extends battery lifetime considerably.
Ultra low IQ LDOs provide
dynamic quiescent current control for obtaining the best performance in battery powered applications
requiring long battery life and good dynamic load performance. The Low IQ LDO provides a stable
2.8V supply to the micro controller, and the LDO ground current stays
relatively constant at 1μA in the low load range, thereby prolonging battery
But at higher load currents, the ground current increases to
improve the dynamic behavior of the LDO; when a sudden high load is
encountered, the internal control circuit uses more energy to ensure a tight
regulation of the output voltage.
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